As a group of car enthusiasts for everything 'R' and 'S' Series Valiants we meet regularly to socialise, assist members with the restoration and maintenance of their cars and discuss everything Chrysler. If you are interested in being a member please feel free to come and meet us at one of our club meetings.
This area of the website is exclusive for financial club members...
to join the club please see the details below on how to join the club and the membership application form.

Club Magazines
Club Documents
The Vault
View our club magazines here. You can look back at some recent issues or go back into the archives!
Contains general club documents, images and other files that can be used or referenced by members.
Contains general articles, books, adverts, magazine articles and odds 'n ends.
How to Join
Membership to the club ranges from people in their 20s to their late 70s. The club promotes a family atmosphere and encourages people from all walks of life to attend. If you have or are interested in an R or S Series Valiant it would be great to see you at one of our club meetings.
You can either be an Active or Associate Member. Being an Active member you will be able to vote on club decisions.
All members gain access this this area of the website.
Please find below "Application for Membership" form for details on how to join our club.
Membership Fees are currently $50 annually paid in August.
Prorated for the first year based on date of joining.
Fees are paid in-person at a club meeting, via cheque or EFT
(for EFT details please contact us via email)