The club holds monthly meetings, has vehicle runs around the city and outskirts and puts on workshop days to help keep the cars on the road and share knowledge about the vehicles.
If you are a visitor to this website and have interest or own a 'S' or 'R' Series Valiant please feel free to come to our club rooms at Camberwell Park, Balga and meet our members
over a coffee or tea and some light refreshments.
Future club events are agreed at club meetings typically the month prior to the event. Once the details have been finalised an email is sent out to all members about a fortnight before the event and the website and Facebook pages are also updated as well.
It is important to RSVP to our events, this helps us confirm numbers for venues, assists with logistics and in some cases catering for club sponsored events. We ask that you RSVP as early as possible and if your plans change last minute you can easily change your RSVP.
The next event details are shown below, by clicking on the Event Title or RSVP button you will be shown more information about the event, route details as well as any instructions and related information. You can then RSVP on this page with your Name, email, number of guests and any comments for the meeting organiser.
Alternatively you can simply send an email to You are welcome to bring your family, relatives and close friends to these events however we ask that you provide details of the number of people in your RSVP response.
Please also check out our Facebook or Twitter social sites more information on upcoming events.
Workshop Day
A Workshop Day is scheduled to take place at the home of Jim Mitchell, on Sunday the 28th of July 2024. A few members have expressed an interest in having minor mechanical repairs done to their vehicles, so this is one opportunity to get together and get it done! If you wish to partake, please contact Jim directly on 9349 6482. Workshop activities will commence from around 10.00am (check with Jim), please bring your own lunch and Jim's address is in Balga. If you are unable to attend on this date or there is insufficient time to get the job done, more Workshop Day's will be scheduled over the next few months.
UWA Cars & Coffee
UWA Cars & Coffee: Sunday 4th August- 9am -11am
Carparks 4,5 and 10
Hackett Drive , Crawley
$10 entry per car
$5 motorbikes
Spectators FREE
Club Meeting - August 2024
General Meeting
York Motor Show
Displays start at 9am, right through till 2pm
Trophy Presentations at 1:30pm in Avon Tce
Events include;
Live Music
Vintage Bus Rides
R.C. Model Cars & Trucks
Hand Tool Preservation Society Display
Cars, Trucks, Motor Bikes, Tractors, Buses, Stationary Engines
Perth Classic Car Show at Ascot
Our Club will be attending, in a display with our vehicles; more details to follow.
As with previous years, you will receive a colour coded entry flyer with instructions closer to the event.
All registered cars are eligible to bring along one passenger for FREE entry.
That is the driver and passenger gain free entry to the event. Additional passengers will need to purchase tickets for entry should you wish to bring additional friends/family along.
The Distinguished Gentleman's Drive
Please contact Daryl Cook on 0400 209 894 or for further information and if you would like to participate.