Everything Chrysler Day 2019
The Charger Club of WA held is Everything Chrysler Day at Barbagallo Raceway.
There were a number of people from the club that attended the event – Jim & Clint Mitchell, Dean, Chris Kiosses, Liz Curtis & Rob, Ken Spurling, Michael Barker and Peter Tonkin.
To all accounts it was a success, however it was a hot day and unfortunately there was very limited shade and a bit dusty from the vehicles driving around the track. Ken mentioned that he was hanging around the toilet blocks to get shade!
During the day’s proceedings there were a number of raffles and Rob and Liz were lucky enough to win one of them, a selection of car cleaning products. Unfortunately, when their prize was drawn they were already home and had to make a special trip to Marangaroo to pick it up later in the day. In addition to these raffles drawn throughout the day there were a number of awards given by sponsors. These awards were judged and award by the sponsors to various cars and Jim was lucky to pick up an award sponsored by Coventrys.
At the event there was Family entertainment, swap meet (where Peter was on the hunt for car parts for his two-door charger), traders and displays, project cars on display, catering and racing events. However, I don’t believe that anyone from our club wanted to get their car dirty or potentially dent or damage their car by participating in the racing around the track.
Murray from the Charger Club came to our April general meeting to see how we liked the event and also to get some feedback on the day’s activities.
Thank you to Ken who provided me with a rundown of the day’s activities and photos.