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Jim in the News!

While Jim was at the Charger Club’s 25thhe struck up a conversation with Olga from The West Australian Weekend West Motoring section. The Charger Club has had a recent opportunity to increase the profile of their club and generally raise the awareness of classic cars in the motoring section by aiming to get one member per month being featured in this section. Its great to see some classic cars to be mentioned in the newspaper again… and doesn’t Jim look happy… well done Jim for being featured and promoting the club.

On the other end of town, in the “electronic world” Chris Kiosses’ car was selected as the banner image for a National Facebook page “Valiant R & S series vehicles” for April as “…probably the most votes ever for a group photo – Well done”. The only thing that got me thinking about this was the date of the screenshot he provided...

Remember to click on the image below to enlarge it!

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