As part of the Northlink - Tonkin Highway/Reid Highway Mainroads Billion dollar upgrade and in co-operation with the Water Corporation, Mike Barker and a number of fellow artists have painted a 103m long x 9m high “MALAGA” mural. Inside the “M”, Michael has depicted a number of vehicles from the 1960’s and 1970’s stacked on top of one another.
A couple of these are actual cars owned by Qantas staff. A 1977 Torana, 1961 Pontiac, 1969 firebird, 1972 Escort and a 1962 Valiant are featured cars.
This is the first of a group of murals for this project. Currently a design is being drawn up for a 400-metre section of the project.
Well done Michael …
This looks fantastic to see while driving along, however please remember to keep your eye on the road when driving!