Busselton Car Run
Well it has come around again, another year has passed since we were in Busselton.....
The North of the River Members will be again leaving Camberwell Park, Balga this time at 6-30 am, in order to be there on the Busselton Oval before 9am as Public Liability requires all to be in position before the Public arrive.
It is suggested that South of the River Members wait in / at the comfort stop (toilets) on Forrest Highway (continuation of Kwinana Freeway going south). It is about 18 miles south past the Pinjarra Road turnoff. Other country members may decide to meet us directly on the Busselton Oval.
No need to bring a picnic lunch at all. You can buy general food and drinks there.
Those that attended our Rally earlier this year and purchased the Blue Rally T shirts, if possible, are requested to wear them to this event.
So fill up with petrol and we'll see you on the way or there in Busselton.
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