Inaugural Tom Curtis Memorial Cruise
Martin Wood
This will be the format in the future since we introduced the Anniversary Run in memory of the late Tom Curtis tragically taken from us all in December 2015. It will also have been a time for us to remember other members that are no longer with us.
Much organising of the Inaugural Run was done by Jim Mitchell and was an absolute credit to him as the run was superb – along the beach front and then back to the club room in Balga. The convoy looked very impressive and we also had a lot of Bike Club members, from the club that Tom and Liz were so closely involved with, attend the run and dinner.
Once again, the meal was fantastic and credit must go to the BBQ cook – Tom Howard and his assistants. It was encouraging to hear comments from the Bike Club regarding the massive spread of food served up on the day. When we told them, this was the case every year they were blown away. The ladies in the club always discuss amongst themselves who will do what dish and a big thanks to them on their great efforts.
As arranged, Michael Barker created a large painting depicting Tom Curtis and his yellow ‘R’ Series Valiant. Michael erected the painting inside the hall whilst we were all on the run. Full credit to Michael for having it ready on time.
And our thanks to the Bike Club members who all mixed in well and helped make the day a memorable one.
The April meeting will see us return to our refurbished club rooms. From all reports, the end result is superb with a new kitchen, new toilets, etc. The renovations took a couple of months and we found an alternative meeting place for our February meeting. I believe we have been given permission to display some club memorabilia inside the rooms as well and Jim Mitchell will have more details on that.
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