Martin's Garage Sale
Neal Crocker
There was no question that there would be a big turnout for the November club event as it was an open day at Martin and Bev’s house.
The open day ran officially from 10am. When I arrived with Cameron and Mitchell around quarter past 10, we noticed a huge gathering of cars outside! It was like seeing kids at a candy store, but it was in fact mainly made up of men looking at all the car parts!
Martin and Bev were looking to sell a number of items that may have be of interest to members, so if you are looking for any spare parts or hard to find items you definitely wanted to be there! From all accounts a lot was sold on the day to members which was excellent as at least we know that those pasts will go to great use in restoring and fixing up our cars. I know that my son Mitchell was very happy as he managed to find some chrome pieces for his 2-door that he was missing!
When we arrived, we said hello to Bev who was inside preparing some light snacks to share for everyone before making our way to the back where we saw a large crowd congregated around the garages. After waiting a little while to give everyone an equal opportunity to find what they were looking for Martin opened up the doors… It was like a scene out of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory!
For some, it was more about being there to catchup for a chat with other members and take it easy. Liz was really enjoying herself watching all the activity!
A number of us were also keen to see Martin start up a Slant 6 that he has restored and was looking to sell. Once it fired up it made a definitely loud sound! (music to the ears for some)
Special mention and thanks to Michael Barker who came to the open day and assisted Martin and Bev price up the parts that were sold to members.
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If you are wondering what happened to the Slant 6, well it was sold to a person in Victoria!
If you are still looking for that ‘elusive’ part, I am sure Martin would not mind if you gave him a call to see if he may have something hiding away.