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Pickers and Collectors

Bridget Howard

We arrived at the ‘Pickers and Collectors Bazaar’ (, located in O’Connor, shortly after the designated time of 10.00am, doing a ‘meet and greet’ with many Club members : Peter and Margaret, Paul and Trish, Chris, John Ingham, with Johnny and Susie, Ken and Gloria, as well as new member, John Mitchell.

While undertaking the regulatory catch-up chat with those present, Jim and Clint arrived. It was established that John and Ruth were slightly detained, as were Martin and Bev, but they arrived in due course, as did Michael Barker.

In the meantime, we proceeded to explore and seek treasures in the ‘Bazaar’. You may have some idea of what you’re looking for or you may not, nonetheless it was a veritable Aladdin’s Cave and some of us didn’t leave empty handed.

Though we weren’t on the lookout for anything specific (lots of car memorabilia anyway), Tom scored a little treasure to add to our collection of curio’s – a small item indicative of life lived long ago – but cute and quaint. Johnny found himself an item of interest, which he quickly snapped up and then it was time for us to leave.

A big ‘Thank You’ to Rob and his staff at the ‘Bazaar’ for their assistance and provision of refreshments!

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We all climbed into our respective vehicles and made our way to the car park area adjacent to ‘Captain Munchies’, next to the railway track and wharf area in Fremantle.

A few made haste and placed their lunch order, while the rest of us dilly-dallied chatting (again!) until it was realised how many (others) were in line to grab a burger. General consensus deemed too long to wait for food and a quick decision ensued to drive and park near the ‘E’ Shed Markets, where we made haste to the food court.

Gathering tables and chairs for a group collective, orders were placed with Chinese and fish ‘n chips being the majority of meal choice.

We were also lucky enough to have the company of Liz and Rob as well as Neal, Cameron and Mitchell putting in an appearance for the lunch time feast.

Blessed with a full day of sunshine, it was an opportune time for everyone to enjoy the Cruise in their Classic.

Looking forward to seeing you all – and those unable to attend – next time!

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