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West Coast Motor Museum

Bridget Howard

The day geared up for fine weather conditions as Tom and I drove to BP Southbound, where we met John Mitchell, Rick Smith, Ken Spurling, Paul Spittle and Kevin Smith.

In short time, John and Ruth Huntly arrived, as did Clint Mitchell. This was the sum of participants so we gently motored on, heading south along the freeway, turning left to access Woodlands Drive and arriving at our destination – West Coast Motor Museum.

Upon parking our cars, we met Rod (one of the owners) who invited us in to the Museum. Most of us had a light refreshment then wandered the Museum sheds at our leisure absorbing the eclectic collection of vehicles and oldy worldly memorabilia.

After our fill of viewing, it was time for lunch. Rod lit the barbeque with Ken and Paul cooking steak and sausages for their lunch; the rest of us had ‘picnic’ packs.

A few had already departed and the remainder were about to make exit when John Ingham arrived – he had been detained by unexpected arrivals at home.  Quick chats and John had a look around the museum, then it was time to head for home.

Thanks to all for turning up on the day! See you – and some more! – on the next run!

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